
FotoFacial photo from actual Dr. Berens’ patient.


FotoFacial/PhotoFacial treatments can be done on your face, neck, chest, or any part of your body. Dr. Berens does Photofacial treatments on men and women of all ages from all over Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Weston and South Florida area. PhotoFacial treatments (photorejuvenation, IPL, Fotofacial) use pulses of visible light (IPL) that effectively improve facial redness and flushing, rosacea as well as the visible signs of sun damage and aging. PhotoFacial (IPL) is now the gold standard of non-ablative skin treatments. FotoFacial/PhotoFacial treatments are beneficial in the treatment of the following cosmetic skin conditions:

  • Rosacea, flushing, redness, ruddy complexion, broken capillaries and spider veins of the face. All these “Pink” vascular based conditions of the skin improve on average between 50-75% percent with FotoFacial treatments.
  • Sun spot, age spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma, cholasma (also known as “mask of pregnancy”), multiple freckles. All these “Brown” melanin based conditions of the skin improve, on average, 50-75% with treatments.
  • Chronic sun damage and photoaging improves with FotoFacial/PhotoFacial by 50-75% with treatments.
  • Sun Damage and aging signs of the Hands Neck (Pokioderma) and Chest skin can be improved by 50-75% percent with FotoBody treatments (FotoFacials for the skin of the body).
  • Wrinkles and Skin Laxity. Unlike other more basic forms of Photorejuvenation, the FotoFacial/PhotoFacial, with its synergy of simultaneous Intense Pulsed Light and powerful energy produces industry leading non-ablative wrinkle and skin laxity improvements of up to 70% without downtime; a claim that no other device or procedure has been able to boast.